How to overcome fear of starting ?
Hey there I've always liked doing big things and creating something that everyone would cherish and would look up to ! But I had quite hard time starting things ! I realized that this is not my problem alone but many face this problem . We often can't start. Well with me it was about conversation with girls or talking to a stranger or starting new thing ! In your case it can be anything like starting something new , committing to someone, asking someone out whatever it may be. Today I'll discuss some of the things that worked for me ! So first I'll start with what are the some reasons why we don't start something ! Fear of failure (These 2 topics are discussed in this blog. Next topics will be covered in next blogs) Follow us Fear of Success What will X person say something ? Will I be liked ? I can't loose something I have ! There are many people doing the same thing why will they like my stuff ? I don't have a chance among all t...