
Showing posts from July, 2017

How to overcome fear of starting ?

Hey there I've always liked doing big things and creating something that everyone would cherish and would look up to ! But I had quite hard time starting things ! I realized that this is not my problem alone but many face this problem . We often can't start. Well with me it was about conversation with girls or talking to a stranger or starting new thing ! In your case it can be anything like starting something new , committing to someone, asking someone out whatever it may be. Today I'll discuss some of the things that worked for me ! So first I'll start with what are the some reasons why we don't start something ! Fear of failure         (These 2 topics are discussed in this blog. Next topics will be covered in next blogs) Follow us Fear of Success  What will X person say something ? Will I be liked ? I can't loose something I have ! There are many people doing the same thing why will they like my stuff ? I don't have a chance among all t...

How the Garyvee Principle worked for me ?

I am 3D artist who likes to make motion graphics videos (Do check my Nike Ad I made for a competition @theprds  ) . I always have liked making motion graphics video and Nike being my favorite brand I was quite excited about making an Ad . And after I completed that advertisement I was pretty excited to make an Ad for someone. And I don't know by luck or something I happened to see Gary Vaynerchuck (If you don't know him Just google out ! He's Entrepreneur and I consider him life teacher cause his video has helped me Work out ! and stop being F***ing Lazy ! ) where he explained a hustling technique "Jab Jab Jab Right Hook! "   and also where he tells to personal message any person on Instagram or any social media and explain him how can you provide him/her with value (Do it for free to just test things out and if things work right you're set !) So I wanted to try what he said ! So I messaged many people and finally after messaging many of th...

Too many tasks but haven't completed any ?

Well I am one of the people who wants to experience every field and want to do every thing myself! My interests dabble from time to time and due to this I can't complete many of my tasks ! I am 3D artist also a 'wanna be' Entrepreneur also a 'wanna be' programmer , guitarist , singer ........... So due to this never ending list of my passion I would generally start a project then I would see something interesting and leave the current project incomplete and run after that and the cycle would continue .... Leaving me Frustrated , Depressed sometimes , Feeling like a failure who can't complete anything ! I needed this to stop so I was searching for the solution for 'Multiple-passion' and I found this on Forbes website. It's written by Caroline Beaton . ( Link to her article ) It helped me a lot and this was the thing I absolutely needed for the things I was facing. Steps: 1.Eliminate  As counter part to what what normally the q...

What's stopping you from giving your best ?

Often times we are not stopped by any other person from achieving our true greater self but by ourselves ! The following are the reasons why I haven't been able to achieve but I'm improving on it and I've been able to do things I was not able to : What will others think of me ? I would start off with unrealistic goals rather than starting small ! (Start small dream big !) What if I succeed , will people like me ? There are way many people who are achieved better than me , Do I have a chance ! What will friend think of me if I don't stay with them ? Will my parents grant me permission to do this ? I should do whatever others are doing ! I shouldn't dream big or should I ? These were the reasons I wouldn't be able to do things But not now ! The reason I was able to get out of this was due to Gary Vaynerchuck !( Youtube Channel ) (@garyvee) He's a great Entrepreneur , Public speaker and much more ! This guy kicks your la...

Can't keep up with the goals you want to achieve ?

Hey, we often are confronted by lack of motivation while doing something we want to achieve, don't we ? Well I have been through this many times ! We generally are motivated at the start and then somehow the motivation tends to fade away! Has this happened to you ? Well in my case I had 2 reasons that I lost motivation every time I set something (It can be anything in your case) 1. I set the bar for me too high that i couldn't complete it and then i would get stressed and finally i would leave it incomplete ! 2. I would just be lazy . Being a student in artist world I have to work on my portfolio! I would look at these awesome portfolios of Artist who have worked for half of the life time on their Art . And i expected that in some months ! ;) So to overcome this I got one Idea from one of the video I was watching on YouTube! The guy name is Ramit Sethi (Owner of the company I will teach you to be Rich! ) The points that I took from him were: Don't ...
Groel Hello there Welcome! This is 'The GROEL' community. Let me give you some intro ! " We set ourselves goal to achieve or we start something new and we are pretty excited about it , right ? But sometimes we can't completely get through it ,we have a million dollar idea but we don't execute it, we lose focus , we make excuses or laziness stops us from achieving our goal or start a new venture ! Sometimes we are all motivated at start but the motivation fades with time ! Does this sound familiar to you ? "   YES THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR ,BUT WHAT WILL GROEL DO? My main aim behind starting GROEL is to grow a community where we help each other to stay on track and keep ourselves motivated and tracking and sharing progress with the community where we cheer each other for every milestone that we achieve ! My brothers and sisters we will grow a community of achievers and action takers ! WHAT WILL I HAVE TO DO ? Well it...