Too many tasks but haven't completed any ?

Well I am one of the people who wants to experience every field and want to do every thing myself!
My interests dabble from time to time and due to this I can't complete many of my tasks !
I am 3D artist also a 'wanna be' Entrepreneur also a 'wanna be' programmer , guitarist , singer ...........
So due to this never ending list of my passion I would generally start a project then I would see something interesting and leave the current project incomplete and run after that and the cycle would continue ....

Leaving me Frustrated , Depressed sometimes , Feeling like a failure who can't complete anything !

I needed this to stop so I was searching for the solution for 'Multiple-passion' and I found this on Forbes website.
It's written by Caroline Beaton. (Link to her article)

It helped me a lot and this was the thing I absolutely needed for the things I was facing.



As counter part to what what normally the question would be asked "What do you want to do with life?" we ask "What are the things I definitely don't want to do with my life?"
This eliminates the things we often think that are important but aren't and just wasting our valuable time .
Then there's an engaging question "What is the thing if I don't do in my (20's or 30's ..) , I will regret it later ?" This is the life changing question (at least for me ! ;) )
This eliminates all other Luke warm passions or things that we do daily that aren't as important !
Note down the important professional things you do daily.

2. Fail

Expect failure, things wouldn't be piece of cake .

J.K. Rowling explains in her Harvard commencement speech, “failure means a stripping away of the inessential.”

Review your daily activity list and then note down the things that you are constantly under performing or resent doing. If the task is in the REGRET LIST then start working on it!
and if it isn't then cross of the activity and You're freed from one waste activity !

I highly recommend that you visit the link of her article !

This is how my list looks (Not complete)

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