How the Garyvee Principle worked for me ?
I am 3D artist who likes to make motion graphics videos (Do check my Nike Ad I made for a competition @theprds ) . I always have liked making motion graphics video and Nike being my favorite brand I was quite excited about making an Ad . And after I completed that advertisement I was pretty excited to make an Ad for someone.
And I don't know by luck or something I happened to see Gary Vaynerchuck (If you don't know him Just google out ! He's Entrepreneur and I consider him life teacher cause his video has helped me Work out ! and stop being F***ing Lazy ! ) where he explained a hustling technique
"Jab Jab Jab Right Hook! "
and also where he tells to personal message any person on Instagram or any social media and explain him how can you provide him/her with value (Do it for free to just test things out and if things work right you're set !)
So I wanted to try what he said ! So I messaged many people and finally after messaging many of them I finally got a man who says "I like what you do Let's give it a try "
And I was like ' Ahh It works ! ' (I had no doubt about it)
I was so happy , so I thought why not write a blog about it and share it with People, Entrepreneur , Artist or any other profession like me who want to gain more customers or clients or whatever it may be.
Just try it guys :
- Find a person or business who might like to take your service or product. (Try hard you won't find it first time.)
- Explain them how you can provide value to them .
- If they are not sure provide them a sample of your work for free (If they like it you're set if not be humble say thanks 'It was great working with you !' start from STEP 1)
I've just ordered the books of Gary Vaynerchuck (This is not any affiliate or paid advertising I'm doing) and I suggest you to buy them too ! [I am reading CRUSH IT ! and it's awesome]
'This is Value advertising ! ' (Word of mouth of truly satisfied customer (myself) )
I loved his books and if you don't know about him you can check his YouTube videos !
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