What's stopping you from giving your best ?

Often times we are not stopped by any other person from achieving our true greater self but by ourselves !

The following are the reasons why I haven't been able to achieve but I'm improving on it and I've been able to do things I was not able to :

  1. What will others think of me ?
  1. I would start off with unrealistic goals rather than starting small ! (Start small dream big !)
  1. What if I succeed , will people like me ?
  1. There are way many people who are achieved better than me , Do I have a chance !
  1. What will friend think of me if I don't stay with them ?
  1. Will my parents grant me permission to do this ?
  1. I should do whatever others are doing ! I shouldn't dream big or should I ?

These were the reasons I wouldn't be able to do things

But not now !

The reason I was able to get out of this was due to Gary Vaynerchuck !(Youtube Channel) (@garyvee)
He's a great Entrepreneur , Public speaker and much more !
This guy kicks your lazy butts or whatever it may be and he compels you to take ACTION !

The reason i'm writing this blog is because of him and the reason I started :
'Groel : Let's grow together! ' (A Facebook page and group where we post our goals in group of all the motivated and action takers and help each others grow !)

I used to procrastinate things i wanted to do but this guy's video kicks in I'm like

" I'm taking f***ing actions now ! "

Things have never been better after starting the community , though there are no members right now but I feel this urge to KEEP WORKING !  

Many times we don't take actions if we feel that we are going to loose something (That sometimes really doesn't exist in real life)!
This also was the reason that I would keep on procrastinating !

This fear went out of me when I heard the word Stoicism ! An ancient concept which is awesome !!!!

Imagine the worst that could happen to you if you took some daring step then imagine it's worst consequence and then write what could possibly go wrong and how could you fix it !

Now you would say what will happen if wrote the things !

Well after writing these things you'll understand that the things that you were imagining were not so scary as you were thing they were ! You'll realize that even if you take that action and if the worst case scenario rises you could always tackle it ! You'll be left with no regrets !

Join us and many others on achieving goals, Let's Help each other grow !
Join our Facebook page and group ! Set a goal and track your progress daily !
Visit the page to know more !


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