Can't keep up with the goals you want to achieve ?

Hey, we often are confronted by lack of motivation while doing something we want to achieve, don't we ?
Well I have been through this many times !

We generally are motivated at the start and then somehow the motivation tends to fade away!

Has this happened to you ?

Well in my case I had 2 reasons that I lost motivation every time I set something (It can be anything in your case)

1. I set the bar for me too high that i couldn't complete it and then i would get stressed and finally i would leave it incomplete !

2. I would just be lazy .

Being a student in artist world I have to work on my portfolio!
I would look at these awesome portfolios of Artist who have worked for half of the life time on their Art . And i expected that in some months ! ;)

So to overcome this I got one Idea from one of the video I was watching on YouTube!
The guy name is Ramit Sethi (Owner of the company I will teach you to be Rich!)

The points that I took from him were:

  1. Don't depend on motivation.
  2. Depend on a system instead.

So what is system ?

We all know that the so called Motivation sometimes work sometimes doesn't for long time !
So the solution to this problem is that instead of depending on the motivation to take you or you waiting for motivation for certain action YOU SET A SYSTEM !

System : You set yourself certain task that you will complete even if you don't feel motivated !
Well you might say that seems nearly impossible ! Without motivation !
The thing is you don't have to start with a big task!
(Something like drinking one glass of water after waking up!)
And this works ! Trust me !

Another way !

You form a group of people that are highly motivated as you and work with them on certain goal !

 "But I can't find someone motivated as myself !"

Well this was the problem I faced as well !
So I decided to open a community where people will be highly motivated , action takers and will help each others grow ! I like taking actions but sometimes ,truth be told , I can't complete my task as well !

So I decided why not we help each other grow and help each other for achieving our goal ! We create a community of people who want to achieve something and form a group of people who take action and want to grow!

We post our daily progress on the Facebook page and we track your progress and help you keep up the work !

Join us ! Let's grow together !

Join Groel : Let's grow together 


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