How to overcome fear of starting ?
Hey there I've always liked doing big things and creating something that everyone would cherish and would look up to ! But I had quite hard time starting things !
I realized that this is not my problem alone but many face this problem . We often can't start.
Well with me it was about conversation with girls or talking to a stranger or starting new thing ! In your case it can be anything like starting something new , committing to someone, asking someone out whatever it may be. Today I'll discuss some of the things that worked for me !
So first I'll start with what are the some reasons why we don't start something !
- Fear of failure (These 2 topics are discussed in this blog. Next topics will be covered in next blogs) Follow us
- Fear of Success
- What will X person say something ?
- Will I be liked ?
- I can't loose something I have !
- There are many people doing the same thing why will they like my stuff ?
- I don't have a chance among all these already successful people or business !
- (After trying something few times) Well I think it's not my stuff or I can't probably do something !
- I don't have time !!! (Like really ?)
- Building castle in the air !
a long list may be I haven't discovered more reasons but I'll share some of the techniques that have worked well for me ! (This is completely my view about the problems and solution everyone's life is different and the solution may or may not work for you ! But I think you might get some or one idea which would change your thoughts or the way you think or even your life.)
So I'll go according to the list !
1. Fear of failure !
This is the common problem we face !
Let me share with you my thought process 'What I would think before starting something ?' {Before}
and this might be thought process of many of you there ,
'Okay I'm going to start ______ (business, work , cooking , hustling or anything). I'm going to start now , ..... wait let me think What are my chances of success ? Will I be able to take it through ? i'm sure i'll do it , but what if I fail ? I'm too afraid to start !' something on similar lines!
Well this was my thought process before but now I have came up with a solution which would help me get through this negative self talk
Where do I stand ?
This means where do you think you are what's your status on the thing you are trying to do ?For example I have a friend who makes awesome EDM's and they really are awesome (I'm not expert in judging the music but I can tell they sound awesome). But he won't upload his content, to show the world that a new Artist is emerging and what he is capable of , because he thinks that his EDM's are not good . He compares his work to other artists.
There are many ways you express fear of failure but the solution I found for this is a question!
What difference will it make If you start even if you're content is bad or not worthy or you think you're billion dollar idea is not worth or you don't have the skill to do something (This is what you think) ?
So you fear that it won't work , you fear that you'd loose respect if you fail or people will judge you or any kind of fear you may be facing! Remember,
"Before you start something you stand nowhere You have nothing to loose! You might say respect or wealth or anything you name it but if you don't start it at time of your death the only thing you'll regret is the thing that you didn't start or the billion dollar idea that you didn't take action on because of the fear of failure that existed only in your mind! " So you might say I need time or I want to master it first!(Just some of the reasons to procrastinate and also sign of Fear of Failure!)
Here's the answer
As Garyvee says 'Documentation vs content!'
Just document the thing you do what you are passionate about don't compare the stuff with others !
One reason we struggle with insecurity: we're comparing our behind the scenes to everyone else's highlight reel. - Steven Furtick
Let the world see your progress how you have made improvement in your ideas or art or whatever you do how have you failed and how did you rise from it how did you did not stop ! This gains you respect and also people see your progress that you've made and they see the hard work you've put in for your thing ! and this sets you for success ! Do you see where I am going
"I want you to just START whatever you might think whether your idea is crap or whether you are not good at it , you'll get good at it. Film it ,write it or blog your journey of you practicing your art or hustling or working for it ! Let the world see how a SUCCESS rise from failure , how did he/she worked . Just START ! "
2. Fear of success !
Well this may sound a little weird but many have fear of success and I was one of them !For me the fear of success was greater than fear of failure !
Fear of success arises when you feel that you aren't incapable of handling all the success or what if I was to succeed , could I handle it ?
Hell, yes !
How am I so sure ?
" Well life is fair and it doesn't give you Success unless you have worked hard or grind for it ! You've to show life that you deserve success and are ready to put hard work !
So if life offers you success let me tell you it has seen you work for it and you deserve it and are surely capable of handling the success! So don't BS yourself by thinking that will you be able to handle it?"
I'll be writing about next points later hope you have found it useful stay tuned for next !
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(Do tell me how do you find the blog cause I have just started and I'm writing what I feel and I have experienced! You can contact on any of the mediums above! I'll be happy to hear from you and will always work on improvement!)
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